ACT NOW! Protest Anti-Semitism at Connecticut College!


Over the last year, Connecticut College has made decisions that make it appear to espouse anti-Semitic attitudes and seems to turn a blind eye to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activism on its campus. Protest this anti-Semitism at Connecticut College!


As author Noah Beck wrote recently for The Algemeiner and published on the United with Israel website, campus hate against Israel and Jews has become an increasingly frequent and widespread problem thanks to the “Boycott, Divest, Sanction” (BDS) movement. Even Palestinians who aren’t sufficiently critical of Israel are targeted by BDS. Bassem Eid, founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, was directly threatened by anti-Israel protesters while lecturing at the University of Chicago on Feb. 18. More recently, the New York Post reported on the hateful harassment of Jews at four City University of New York campuses.

Connecticut College seems to be moving in the same direction. Last spring, Connecticut College Professor Andrew Pessin was libeled and silenced in a campaign led by Students for Justice in Palestine activist Lamiya Khandaker. That campaign included condemnation of Pessin by scores of Connecticut College departments and affiliates, including the Global Islamic Studies program. The administration nevertheless gave Khandaker the “Scholar Activist Award.” Then came the Birthright smear last December, the Puar invitation, and the scheduled talk by anti-Israel activist Kanazi, sponsored by the Islamic studies program.

Remarkably, the Connecticut College administration hasn’t taken any initiative to protect students and faculty brave enough to espouse unpopular views.

These developments reinforce the perception that Connecticut College is hostile to pro-Israel voices.

Help protest blatant anti-Semitism at Connecticut College!

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We Need Your Help Protesting to Connecticut College!

Contact Connecticut College to encourage it to reject anti-Semitism!

1. Call Connecticut College:

(860) 447-1911

2. Protest on Social Media:

Click here to leave a message on the Connecticut College Facebook page.

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