ACT NOW! Demand Suspension of Palestinian Sports Teams for Bigotry Against Israelis

Jibril Rajoub

The Palestinians are using sports to express their hatred for the Jewish state. They must practice inclusiveness and cease their agenda to boycott Israel, or else be suspended.  

The Palestinian Olympic Committee (POC) recently forced a Palestinian boxer to forfeit his match and give up his chance for a bronze medal rather than compete with an Israeli.

The boxer, Sultan Abu Al-Haj, told the official PA TV channel that it was not his decision, but that of his superiors, including the POC, which forced him to forfeit.

The decision was based on the premise that “it is forbidden to compete with [Israelis], because it’s beneath our dignity to compete with them and recognize them as the State of Israel [sic],” he said on Palestinian Authority TV.

The POC’s demand that a Palestinian athlete not compete with an Israeli violates the spirit of the Olympics and the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Code of Ethics, Article 1.2, which demands “respect of the principle of the universality and political neutrality of the Olympic Movement.”

The POC, as well as the Palestinian Football Association, is headed by Jibril Rajoub, who served time in an Israeli prison for terrorism.

“Any activity of normalization in sports with the Zionist enemy is a crime against humanity, ”Rajoub stated in 2014.

In 2012, slamming the idea of organized sports activities with Israelis, Rajoub stated on PA TV that he would bring Arabs by helicopter to events instead of crossing through Israel, “so they will see no Jews, no Satans, no Zionist sons of bitches.”

We must fight this blind hatred and call on the International Olympic Committee and FIFA, the European football association, to suspend Palestinian participation in all international sports until Rajoub apologizes for the violation of the fundamental principle of international sportsmanship and commits to future competitions with Israelis.

The IOC states that it is committed to building a better world through sports. Lets hold them to their commitment.

Call on the international sports organizations to suspend Palestinian participation until they apologize for the violation of the principles of sportsmanship and commit to future competitions with Israelis.

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Demand the Palestinians’ Suspension Over Hate!

1. to post a message on FIFA’s Facebook page.

2. to find your local FIFA association and submit a complaint through them.

3 to submit a complaint to the IOC’s Integrity and Compliance Hotline.

4 to send the IOC a message via Twitter.

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    Source: United with Israel