Palestinian Official: Two-State Solution Just Pretext for Taking Over Israel [WATCH]

The establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank is only a pretext for Palestinians to take over all of Israel, said an official with Mahmoud Abbas’s political party, Fatah.

Azzam Al-Ahmad, a Fatah Central Committee member, told an interviewer on official Palestinian Authority (PA) state TV that a Palestinian state would simply be a stepping stone to a Vietnam-style conquest in which “Palestine” would swallow up the entire country of Israel.

WATCH: Fatah Official Says Palestinian State Will Take Over Israel

In a video clip translated by Palestinian Media Watch, Al-Ahmad described a PA plan to “agree to a state on territory that is 22 percent, and perhaps less, of the land of historical Palestine”, and then eventually take over the territory it was not granted, which would “return my historical rights to me in full.”

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He pointed to historical precedent as a support for the plan: North Vietnam’s bloody 20-year war to capture South Vietnam and unite both states under one name.

“North Vietnam. There was a north and the south. What is its name now? Vietnam!” he declared.

Israeli leaders have often warned that giving Palestinians an autonomous state beside Israel, the ultimate goal of the two-state solution, would present very serious security concerns for Israel rather than encouraging Palestinians to give up violence and terror. The Gaza Strip, which was handed over to Palestinian control in 2005 only to almost immediately devolve into an enclave controlled by the terror group Hamas, is seen as proof that “land for peace” is a farcical assumption.

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Source: Israel in the News