Shin Bet Thwarted Over 170 Terror Attacks Since Beginning of 2022
“Many owe you their lives. Yours is an unending mission,” PM tells Shin Bet brass.
By Aryeh Savir, TPS
Prime Minister Yair Lapid revealed on Monday that the Israel Security Agency Bet has foiled more than 170 terror attacks since the beginning of 2022.
“Here, there is a group of people with values that act out of dedication and a deep understanding of the principles upon which the state is built,” Lapid stated. “People do not know how many terrorist attacks you have prevented. Many owe you their lives. Yours is an unending mission.”
The Israel Security Agency is better known by its Hebrew acronym Shin Bet.
A recent Shin Bet report showed that it counted 189 terror attacks in June, compared to 207 in May. The majority of the attacks documented in the reports were firebomb attacks. The Shin Bet does not include rock-throwing attacks in its report.
In related news, the IDF and other Israeli security forces conducted counterterrorism activities on Monday night in a number of locations in Judea and Samaria, including in the villages of Ramon, Beit Lakia, Deir Dewan, Kifal Hareth, Deir Abu Mash’al, Al Aida, Deir Tzamet and the city of Tulkarm.
Israeli forces operated in the village of El Yamun in Samaria and arrested two wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities.
In an operation to confiscate illegal weapons in the city of Jenin, IDF troops fired at suspects who threw explosives and shot at them.
Forces also operated in the city of Shechem (Nablus) and arrested three wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. During the operation, terrorists threw rocks, explosives, and Molotov cocktails at the forces, who responded with gunfire Arab sources report that three rioters were shot and injured in the clash.
A total of 11 wanted persons were arrested throughout Judea and Samaria and were transferred for further investigation by the security forces.
There were no Israeli casualties.
The arrests were made as part of Operation Wave Breaker, Israel’s counterterrorism operation following several deadly terror attacks that the country experienced in recent months.
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