VIDEO: Israeli Businesses Reopen as Many Corona Restrictions Are Lifted


Most Israeli businesses received the green light to open their doors, while authorities ramped up enforcement of restrictions in specific corona hot-spots.

Israel turned a corner on Sunday in its battle against the coronavirus, with many restrictions eased to permit restaurants, shops, beauty salons and retail stores to reopen for business.

While the establishments must comply with detailed Health Ministry guidelines, the relaxation in corona restrictions represents a major step for Israel’s economy.

On Friday, a NIS 8 billion ($2.27 billion) plan was also announced to bring relief to self-employed Israelis and small business owners.

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URGENT: Help Israelis Fight Coronavirus!

Donate to the Israel Coronavirus Relief Fund. The deadly virus is surging in Israel. While all Israelis are affected, the poor, elderly and seriously ill are highly at risk.

Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers are in danger. At this time, Coronavirus poses a greater threat to Israel than acts of terror.

Israelis need your help. Food and medical supplies can be scarce. The country is in near total lockdown. People are in panic. Funds will be distributed where needed most. Help Israel today!


Source: United with Israel