Following Deadly Earthquake: Israeli Medics Offers Assistance to Turkish Rescue Units

Following the powerful earthquake that hit Alazig province in Turkey, MDA Director-General Eli Bin released a letter to Dr. Kerem Kinik, president of the Turkish Red Crescent, this evening (Saturday 25.1) extending an offer of assistance to help the humanitarian initiative. Great appreciation was expressed towards the Turkish Red Crescent forces and praised their work.

“We are anxiously tracking the developments. Our heart goes out to the Turkish people and to those who have lost loved ones. The Turkish Red Crescent is respected and highly experienced in responding to disaster. MDA leadership, its employees and volunteers are following with admiration after the effective response given by the forces,” Eli Bin wrote. I am confident in the alliance that we have built and view this as an opportunity to offer assistance if necessary.” MDA Director General concluded.

MDA Director-General Eli Bin: “This is a significant earthquake that requires a large-scale response and collaboration between a large number of organizations. I have a great appreciation for the Turkish Red Crescent and its leadership, which has already set up a control center in Ankara and a field kitchen capable of feeding 5,000 people daily. Additionally, 2,500 shelter tents were set up for families, blood has been secured to supply to hospitals, mental health teams are available for those in need, and more. I view this as an opportunity for collaboration and offer all assistance towards saving lives anywhere in the world – this is how MDA has operated in the past and will continue to do so.”

Source: Israel in the News