A Place on the Shelf

When we initially created the Delitzsch Hebrew-English Gospels we wanted to create the most Jewish-looking and Jewish-feeling volume of the Gospels ever made.

We strove hard to create a look that reflected the honor and Jewish nature of the holy text contained inside. The embossed cover, the facing Hebrew and English, the Jewish introduction to Yeshua at the beginning, the blessings for studying the Torah in the foreword all give the DHE a unique feel.

Our goal was that a Jewish non-Yeshua-follower could pick up this book and have a sense that it was a holy Jewish work. While we have received much positive feedback on the Jewish presentation of the work, it was not until last Sunday when I found the DHE at Half-Priced Books that I got a visible picture of what we at Vine of David had created.

I dropped off some used books at the front counter to sell and proceeded as I always do to the religious section. There to my surprise was a used copy of the DHE on a shelf in the Judaica section. Not only that, it was on a shelf marked “Jewish Holy Books.” My wife Shannon and my son Aharon and I all took a double take. It was remarkable. There it was sitting under the Zohar and next to the Tanach. I couldn’t believe it.

Just out of curiosity, I checked what they were asking for it. $69.99! I guess because this was one of the copies of the standard edition, the gray version of the DHE that was now sold out, they thought of it as a high-dollar collector’s item. Rest assured you can get the nicer version for a lot less at our webstore.

Nevertheless, I was extremely excited to see our vision of the DHE standing amongst some of the greatest Jewish literature of all time. It was a heartwarming moment. One of those times when you say to yourself, “This is why I do this.”

Source: First Fruits of Zion