20-Year-Old Woman in Serious Condition, 2 Terrorists Killed in Ariel Attack

The city of Ariel in Samaria. (Photo: Shutterstock)

A young woman has been hospitalized in serious condition after a pair of terrorists attacked her with a knife near the city of Ariel in Samaria on Thursday morning. Both attackers were shot dead by IDF forces at the scene.

The assault took place at a bus stop outside of Ariel, home to Ariel University, one of the top academic institutions in Israel. Two men attacked the woman, 20, stabbing her in the upper body, including in the neck.

The terrorists were shot on the spot by IDF soldiers in the area. Both were killed. Paramedics from Magen David Adom and Hatzolah arrived on the scene to find the victim conscious but suffering from severe bleeding.

Yaakov Feder, a volunteer EMT with United Hatzalah, reported, “When I arrived at the scene I found a young woman near the bus stop located next to the military checkpoint outside at the entrance to Ariel. The woman had been stabbed in her upper body.”

"Each of them will sit under his vine and under his fig tree with no one to make them afraid." (Micah 4:4). Plant a tree in Israel.

The EMTs temporarily stopped the bleeding by applying pressure.

“We treated the injured woman who was later taken to hospital by an emergency ambulance. At the time of her transfer to hospital she was fully conscious having suffered stab wounds to her upper body,” said Feder.

The attack is the latest in a series of terror incidents across Israel, many of which occur in Judea and Samaria. Knives are the most common weapon of choice, though terrorists have also used guns and cars to attack their victims.

Recently, an Israeli scientist discovered a revolutionary new method of stopping bleeding from stab wounds using a biometal called gallium. While it is still in the research stage, its development could lead to a much lower rate of death from stab wounds. So far, 34 people, mostly Israelis and Jews, have been killed and over 400 injured in the terror wave which has been ongoing since September.

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Source: Israel in the News