130 Christian Volunteers Stream to Biblical Heartland for Prophetic Grape Harvest

Volunteers from all over the world will join the pro-Israel Christian organization HaYovel in helping Jewish farmers in the Biblical heartland harvest the abundant grapes growing in the Holy Land this summer. Families and individuals come from the United States, Canada, Bulgaria, Sweden, Latvia, and Colombia.

The 130 volunteers will come during the summer’s three-week harvest to help firmly establish the Jewish people in their God-given inheritance through agricultural development with HaYovel, a Bible-inspired organization. The organization defines itself as “a zealous advocate for the restoration of the Jewish people to Israel’s heartland of Judea and Samaria.”

“The nations are coming to serve alongside the people of Israel, just as Isaiah said they would,” HaYovel wrote in a press statement. “They are witnessing the evidence of the presence and light of God in Israel from their respective nations and are desiring to be a part of her becoming a praise in all the earth.”

HaYovel cited Biblical prophecy to describe its important work.

Strangers shall stand and pasture your flocks, Aliens shall be your plowmen and vine-trimmers. Isaiah 61:5

In addition to harvesting in Samaria’s vineyards, the volunteers will have the opportunity to tour places of Biblical significance, such as Elon Moreh, ancient Shiloh, Hebron, and Jerusalem. They will also meet and hear from some of Israel’s pioneers, winery owners, rabbis, politicians and supporters.

“Each volunteer will be returning home as an effective ambassador, equipped to share the good news of God’s faithfulness to Israel as a Joshua or Caleb in their generation,” said HaYovel.

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Source: Israel in the News