Will Biden’s Inauguration kick off the Messianic Era According to Book of Daniel?

Will Biden’s Inauguration kick off the Messianic Era According to Book of Daniel?

Yeranen Yaakov, an Orthodox Jewish end-of-days blogger, made a post in which he worked out an intense and shockingly precise interpretation of the prophecy in the Book of Daniel. According to his calculations, the end of the Edomite exile of the Jews, the end of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the beginning of the Messianic era will all coincide with an auspicious event; the US presidential inauguration.

The post began with the disclaimer that “calculations made in this post are pure conjecture based on Torah sources.  There is no basis for saying that things MUST occur this way. He then goes on to bring a verse that is closely associated with the pandemic experience.

Go, my people, enter your chambers, And lock your doors behind you. Hide but a little moment, Until the indignation passes. Isaiah 26:20

According to Yeranen Yaakov, the word זעם (za’am), describes God’s anger and also refers to the coronavirus which is a manifestation of God’s anger. A verse in the book of Daniel also refers to za’am.

And said, “I am going to inform you of what will happen when wrath is at an end, for [it refers] to the time appointed for the end. Daniel 8:19

Yeranen Yaakov applied this use of the word za’am to the end of the exile of the Jews that was initiated by Rome as the agent of Edom/Esav with the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. 

“Za’am can refer to the coronavirus period specifically, but can also be referring to our entire period of Galut Edom generally,” the blogger explained. “Perhaps, the end of one [the coronavirus] is the end of the other [the exile of the Jews].”

The blogger notes that with the last three words, the Angel Gabriel is telling Daniel that the end is referred to as מועד(moed; a time). 

“The Hurban of Bayit Sheni [destruction of the Second Temople] occurred in 3828,’ Yeranen Yaakov explained. “We are now in 5781.  That means that there have been 1953 years since the Hurban or, at least, we are in the 1953rd year.”

He then noted the first time the word moed was used in the Bible.

Hashem has fixed the time: tomorrow Hashem will do this thing in the land.’” Exodus 9:5

He then stated that the verse [in Exodus] is talking about the plague of דבר (dever; pestilence). Dever is also associated with a human plague. This is further emphasized by the word ‘thing’ (דבר davar) in this verse which is spelled exactly like dever (דבר plague).

He also notes that ‘tomorrow’, in Biblical terms, can mean tomorrow, as in 24 hours, or it can also mean at some undesignated point in the future.

And the word ‘the thing’ (הדבר; ha’davar) in Exodus 9:5 is repeated in Deuteronomy.

No, the thing is very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to observe it. Deuteronomy 30:14

Midrash (homiletic teachings based on ancient Jewish tradition) explains this verse as referring to the appearance of the Messiah. The gematria Hebrew numerology) of this verse is 1953, the number of years from the destruction of the Temple until today. 

The blogger then goes on to figure the precise day by referring to the verse in Daniel.

Then I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the water of the river, swear by the Ever-Living One as he lifted his right hand and his left hand to heaven: “For a time, times, and half a time; and when the breaking of the power of the holy people comes to an end, then shall all these things be fulfilled.” Daniel 12:7

“Since we are in the 1953rd year, we start counting from the day after Tish’a Be’av [the ninth day of the month of Av on which the Temple was destroyed,” Yeranen Yaakov explained. “But how many days?”

Since this reference to time in Daniel is plural, i.e. more than one, the blogger referred to the first usage of the word מועדים (moadim; times) in the Bible.

Hashem said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times—the days and the years; Genesis 1:14

“The word ולמועדים (moadim; times) is the 173rd word in the Torah,” Yeranen Yaakov noted. He then noted that in the context of this verse, moadim/times could be understood as referring to a number of days.

He then explained that 173 days after Tisha b’Av, which fell on July 31. 2020 works out to precisely January 20, 2021. 

In conclusion, according to this intense interpretation of Daniel’s prophecy, the end of the Edom exile and the beginning of the Messianic era will precisely coincide with the inauguration of the next president of the US.


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