Why We Can’t Lose Mount of Olives

Why We Can’t Lose Mount of Olives

Against all odds, the 1967 war marked a miraculous restoration of Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria to the nation of Israel. These regions, holding profound historical and spiritual significance, have always been the heartbeat of the Jewish people. The journey to reclaim and preserve these lands has been filled with challenges, including propaganda, terrorism, and international opposition.

A Jewish cemetery for over 3,000 years, with some of the most prominent biblical kings buried in it, the Mount of Olives is one of these places. Standing on the top of the Mount of Olives, with a panoramic view of Jerusalem, particularly of the Temple Mount, one can appreciate the deep-rooted significance of this land. The view of the Temple Mount makes it a vital location for religious pilgrims and a symbol of Jewish heritage and continuity. The Mount of Olives was historically used to grow olives for lighting the menorah in the ancient Temple, emphasizing its religious importance. If Israel were to cede this area to the Palestinians, it would have grave implications. The Palestinians aim to claim all of biblical Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Mount of Olives, areas integral to Judeo-Christian heritage.

This potential handover would place critical historical and religious sites under the control of groups like Hamas, creating a volatile situation akin to the Gaza Strip. This would not only threaten the safety of the area but also jeopardize the preservation of these sacred sites. Historical Islamic scholars have even noted that Jerusalem holds no significant religious status in Islam, with some arguing that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located in Saudi Arabia. This underscores the narrative that the current claims on Jerusalem by Muslims are efforts to undermine Israel’s and Christianity’s historical ties to the city.

The regions of Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria form the core of Israel, both historically and spiritually. All of Jewish history took place in these areas, making them indispensable to the Jewish faith and identity. Jews and Christians alike must understand the importance of maintaining Israel’s hold on these lands. Having a hold on these lands ensures that all Bible believers can connect with these sacred sites peacefully.

A menorah replica overlooks the eastern wall surrounding the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives Photo Joshua Wander

Many of the most important Jewish and Christian sites in Jerusalem are within areas that the world often proposes to give to the Palestinians. If such a transfer were to occur, it would be catastrophic for both faiths. Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria are not merely occupied territories or part of the West Bank; they are Israel’s biblical Heartland—God’s land.

For those eager to learn more about the people and places in Israel’s biblical Heartland, resources like KeepGoods.com offer deeper insights and connections to this ancient and enduring story.

The post Why We Can’t Lose Mount of Olives appeared first on Israel365 News.

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