While Abbas Met with Trump, His Party Honored 12 Terrorists

Trump Abbas

While Abbas met with Trump at the White House and talked peace, his party honored 12 terrorists responsible for the murder of 95 people. 

As Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah Chairman Abbas met with President Donald Trump last week and professed his commitment and that of the Palestinians to peace with Israel, the two institutions he heads were busy glorifying Palestinian murderers and planners of suicide bombings and shooting attacks that murdered 95 people.

On the day of the meeting at the White House, Fatah posted a photo of 12 imprisoned terrorist murderers on Facebook and sent “blessings” to the “heroic prisoners.”

“All blessings to our heroic prisoners carrying out the [hunger] strike of dignity: Karim Younes, Marwan Barghouti, Nael Barghouti, Ahmad Sa’adat, Abbas Al-Sayid, Hassan Salameh, Zaid Bassisi, Bassem Al-Khandaqji, Wajdi Joudeh, Maher Younes, Fuad Al-Shubaki, Wael Al-Jaghoub,” Fatah’s official Facebook stated.

At the meeting, Abbas told Trump: “I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace,” Abbas said, notwithstanding the anti-Israel hate and incitement to violence prevalent in Palestinian schools, media and cultural events.

Who Are the Palestinians’ “Heroes?”

Hassan Salameh is serving 46 life sentences for planning suicide bombings that murdered 46.

Abbas Al-Sayid is serving 35 life sentences for planning suicide bombings that murdered 35.

Marwan Barghouti is serving five life sentences for planning 3 shooting attacks that murdered murdering 5.

Bassem Al-Khandaqji is serving three life sentences for involvement in a suicide bombing that murdered 3.

Zaid Bassisi is serving a life sentence, plus an additional 55 years for planning a car bombing that wounded eight.

Karim and Maher Younes  are each serving a 40-year sentence for kidnapping and murdering one Israeli.

Nael and Fakhri Barghouti were each serving a life sentence for murdering one victim. Both were released in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal. Nael Barghouti was rearrested for violating the terms of his release and is serving a life sentence, plus an additional 18 years.

Wael Al-Jaghoub is serving a life sentence for establishing PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terror cells and carrying out terror attacks.

Ahmad Sa’adat is serving a 30 year sentence for heading the PFLP terror organization.

Wajdi Joudeh is serving a 25 year sentence for involvement in a suicide bombing that murdered four and wounded 24.

Fuad Al-Shubaki is serving a 20 year sentence for planning an attempt to smuggle 50 tons of illegal weapons to the PA.

Promoting Terrorism

On the same day, a PA official and a PLO official announced that a main street in Jenin will be named after kidnapper-murderer Karim Younes.

“Jenin District Governor Ibrahim Ramadan and Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake announced that one of the main streets in the city [of Jenin] will be named after veteran prisoner Karim Younes,” Al-Ayyam reported, according to the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which monitors Palestinian incitement in the media.

The declaration was made during a central mass rally organized across from a solidarity tent erected in support of the hunger strike by terrorist prisoners that began a few weeks ago.

The Palestinian Authority regularly glorify terrorists and promotes terrorism by naming streets, playgrounds, summer camps, schools, and various events after infamous murderous terrorists.

In a recent example of Palestinian incitement, a youth camp was named in honor of the leader of a mass-casualty terror attack, The PLO’s Supreme Council for Youth and Sports announced the name of the youth camp “Brothers of Dalal” after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.

In 1978, Mughrabi led the Coastal Road massacre, in which Palestinian terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 Israeli civilians, including 12 children, and wounding over 70. It was one of the most horrific terror attacks in Israeli history.

Ramallah District Governor Ramallah Laila Ghannam, a Palestinian Authority (PA) official, praised the initiative for “remembering the pure-hearted Martyrs.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel