Our enemies understand very well that without Jerusalem, the heart and soul of the Jewish people, there would be no State of Israel.
Jerusalem is the first floor of the Zionist edifice. Without it, the entire enterprise would collapse!
Indeed, the word “Zionism” stems from “Zion,” which is Jerusalem. Can you imagine Zionism without Zion?
Our enemies understand very well that without Jerusalem, the heart and soul of the Jewish people, the State of Israel could not survive. That is exactly why they are fighting to divide the Israeli capital and establish a Palestinian capital in the Old City.
Watch this excellent video, which clearly explains the 3,000-year-old connection of the Jewish people to their eternal capital.
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Sign the Declaration to Keep Jerusalem United
Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel
I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
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Source: United with Israel