VIDEO: Palestinians Are ‘World’s Most Anti-Semitic Population’ Says ADL Poll

Palestinian rioters in Gaza with a swastika-adorned arson. (screenshot)

The Palestinian Authority’s relentless campaign of vicious anti-Semitic propaganda has transformed the Palestinians into the most anti-Semitic population in the world, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

One of the greatest lessons of the Holocaust “is that the world must be vigilant to expose and eliminate all demonization that leads to justification of murder, whether directed against Jews or any other group,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) remarked recently.

Following an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) poll demonstrating that Palestinians are the most anti-Semitic people in the entire world, with 93 percent believing at least “6 of 11 negative stereotypes” are “probably true,” PMW compiled the terrifying video below of pure, unbridled Jew-hatred.

As this clip demonstrates, Palestinian anti-Semitism must be confronted.

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Source: United with Israel