VIDEO: Over 70 Israeli Startups are Creating Solutions to Defeat Corona

medical research

The tiny, startup nation is at the forefront of innovation leading to a solution to the coronavirus crisis.

Over 70 Israeli startup companies are working on innovative solutions to ease the burden on the healthcare system during the current pandemic.

If there’s one thing Israelis know how to do well, it’s to adapt during crisis – and during these days of the coronavirus pandemic, that’s an important advantage.

Since its inception, Israel has developed a reputation for creativity and innovation. This type of innovative thinking will save lives in Israel and around world.

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URGENT: Help Israelis Fight Coronavirus!

Donate to the Israel Coronavirus Relief Fund. The deadly virus is surging in Israel. While all Israelis are affected, the poor, elderly and seriously ill are highly at risk.

Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers are in danger. At this time, Coronavirus poses a greater threat to Israel than acts of terror.

Israelis need your help. Food and medical supplies can be scarce. The country is in near total lockdown. People are in panic. Funds will be distributed where needed most. Help Israel today!


Source: United with Israel