VIDEO: Musical Tribute to the State of Israel at 69

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This song of love to the State of Israel was written and recorded a few days before Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut 2017.

In honor of the 69th anniversary of the State of Israel, this song was written, performed and produced by up-and-coming American musician Yerachmiel (Rocky) Ziegler.

This tribute to the Jewish state was written and recorded just a few days before Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror) and Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Independence Day) 2017.

“Just like these two important and auspicious days that we are about to enter, the song starts a bit dark and solemn but emerges into a euphoric and joyous lift,” the author explains.

“To Israel, my beloved country,” he sings, “You mean so much to so many people around the world.”

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Israel ארץ ישראל – Yerachmiel

Israel – ארץ ישראלTo Israel my beloved country,You have been through so much over the centuries, always in our thoughts and prayers. You mean so much to so many people around the world. At times it may seem like you have no friends, you were ravaged, pillaged and deserted so many times. The Jewish people have returned home to you, and you have blossomed and bloomed once again, our love rekindled. I wish you and all the citizens of Israel, who have sacrificed so much for you, a very happy 69th birthday! I wrote this song a few days before Yom Hazikaron and Yom Atzmaut 2017, recorded it on the same day, mixed and mastered the next, and now it's yours. Just like these two important and auspicious days that we are about to enter, the song starts a bit dark and solemn but emerges into a euphoric and joyous lift. May we be blessed to see great things in the coming days and prosperity and peace for the people of Israel. Happy 69th Birthday Israel!Please tag someone who will appreciate and share this forward!CreditsWritten, Performed and Produced by Yerachmiel (Rocky) ZieglerRecorded, Mixed and Mastered at Little Apple Studio, Jerusalem by YerachmielSpecial thanks to Miriam Ziegler Newhouse and Ben Wallick for your help and adviceFollow me on FB at

Posted by ‎Yerachmiel ירחמיאל‎ on Sunday, April 30, 2017

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