VIDEO: Mike Pence Declares that ‘America Stands with Israel’

Mike Pence

Vice President-elect Mike Pence explains why he and Donald Trump are strong supporters of Israel and of Jerusalem, its eternal, undivided capital.

In a live video message to American-Israelis attending a Republican rally in Jerusalem in October, ahead of the U.S. national election, Vice President-elect Mike Pence – on behalf of himself and Donald Trump, then presidential candidate – declared unequivocal support for Israel and for Jerusalem, “the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.”

Pence responded to an oft-asked question: Why do you support Israel?

He explained many reasons for his stand, not least because Israel is America’s greatest ally in the world.

Watch this uplifting video demonstrating the American people’s strong support for Israel.

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Source: United with Israel