VIDEO: Is it Time to Repeal and Replace the United Nations?


An international “club of dictators” cannot be expected to treat democracies fairly.

Israel, the only free democratic country in the Middle East, has advanced minority rights in the nation to the point that the Joint List of Arab parties holds 13 seats in the 120 member Knesset, while affirmative action programs aggressively promote the advancement of Arabs in universities and the economic sector.

So why is Israel the target of 83 out of 97 United Nations condemnations in a recent four-year period, as highlighted in this video clip?

The answer lies in the make-up of the United Nations.

Research by the Washington-based Freedom House has revealed that more than half the UN‘s 193 member states are only partly free, or not free at all.

Dictators prefer to divert attention from the real atrocities taking place under their regimes while destabilizing true democracies which are more likely to criticize them.

In this era of attempts to repeal and replace bad deals, it may be time to replace the UN with an international forum with membership limited to democratic, peace-seeking nations.

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Source: United with Israel