VIDEO: Iran Bombs Tel Aviv to Smithereens in Sick New Video

Iranian video depictin

The genocidal destruction of the world’s only Jewish state is depicted in this wretched display of animation created in Iran.

The animation artists at Iran’s Fatima Zahra Studio, also known as kosar3d, recently uploaded a two-minute-long video titled “For Qassem,” which shows Iranian jets avenging the death of arch-terrorist Qassem Soleimani by bombing Tel Aviv and various other sites in Israel.

The video parrots the propaganda spewed by Iran’s leaders, who routinely call for the Jewish state’s destruction and threaten to “wipe Israel off the map.”

With the Iranian economy on the verge of collapse, the amount of money the Islamic Republic wastes on its military adventures and support for terror proxies that threaten Israel is nothing short of perverse

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Source: United with Israel