This video offers an inside look at the relationship that developed between Haj Amin al-Husseini, the “Mufti of Jerusalem”, and Adolf Hitler.
See for yourself what Hitler and the Mufti had in mind for the Jewish people living in British-Mandate Palestine and how the Mufti was able to reach the upper echelons of the Nazi political war machine.
It’s clear that the Muslim desire to rid the Middle East of its Jews existed in the 1930s (and even further back in history). Unfortunately, this anti-Semitic sentiment continues today as the Palestinians yearn to throw the Jewish people out of Israel. Fortunately, this will never happen…
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Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority
Petition to the United States and European Union
We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.
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Source: United with Israel