Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas tells the West he wants peace with Israel, but to his own people he says that the entire Jewish state is “occupied” Palestinian land.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas continues to blame Israel for the breakdown of peace negotiations, claiming that Judea, Samaria and “East Jerusalem” are occupied Palestinian lands and that he believes in a two-state solution. But to his own people, he sings a different tune.
His statement that the Palestinian people have been living under “occupation” for the last 67 or 68 years says it all. Between 1948 – when the State of Israel was established – and 1967, the Holy City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were under Jordanian rule; they were not “occupied” by Israel. The IDF liberated those areas while defending Israel’s existence.
Watch this video and listen carefully to what Abbas is telling his own people. It’s not what’s reported in the English-language media.
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Source: United with Israel