After a huge outcry – including from thousands of United with Israel supporters – against Iceland’s decision to boycott all Israeli products, Mayor of Reykjavík Dagur B. Eggertsson announced that the Reykjavík City Council will cancel its previously-announced boycott of Israeli products, explaining that the city will now only boycott goods produced in “occupied territories.” This is not enough – Iceland must reject all boycotts against Israel!
The original boycott, included in a motion presented by Björk Vilhelmsdóttir of the Social Democrats earlier last week, was approved by the majority of councilpersons.
Thanks to pressure from around the world, including from thousands of United with Israel supporters, Eggertsson backed down from the original boycott. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to understand the message.
Eggertsson admitted that the motion hadn’t been prepared well enough and that it will now be changed and clarified.
“I have stated that it should have been made much clearer in the text [that only products from territories occupied by Israel should be boycotted], although that’s what we had in mind. I will suggest to the City Council that the motion the way it reads now be withdrawn while we discuss the next steps and how to present it,” the mayor said.
Eggertsson added that he usually prepares big decisions carefully. “I must admit that I’m angry at myself for not having done this the way I wanted.” He added that he was surprised at the reaction to the city’s decision. “I expected a reaction but not on this scale. It appears to be a stronger reaction than when Iceland declared support for an independent Palestine [in 2011].”
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In other words, Eggertsson didn’t regret the decision to boycott Israeli products. He simply regretted that the boycott didn’t single out Israeli products made in Judea and Samaria!
Eggertsson must understand that his actions are damaging to Israelis, Palestinians and even Iceland.
His actions certainly do not further the cause of peace.
United with Israel’s Call to Action encouraged thousands of supporters to contact Eggertsson as well as Vilhelmsdóttir to protest this anti-Semitic decision.
Since Iceland only rejected a boycott of all Israeli goods, but maintains a boycott on products made in Judea and Samaria, our protest must continue!
Click here to go to the Call to Action page and help United with Israel fight this boycott until Iceland agrees to remove it completely!
We’ve come this far. Don’t give up!
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Source: United with Israel