UNHRC: 5 Anti-Israel Resolutions, Call for Arms Embargo, Haley Stands Strong

After their 37th month-long session in Geneva, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) approved five anti-Israel resolutions and called on the nations of the world to participate in an arms embargo against Israel. The UK and Australia decried the resolutions with Nikki Haley threatening the US will leave the organization.

By a vote of 27-4 with 15 abstentions, the UNHRC called on the international community to stop selling military equipment to Israel.

It called on “public authorities and private entities [to] not become involved in internationally unlawful conduct, inter alia the provision of arms to end users known or likely to use the arms in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian and/or human rights law.”

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By a vote of 25-7 and 15 abstentions, the UNHRC called on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights. Another resolution called on Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders and to cease all activity in Judea and Samaria. Another resolution condemned Israel for human rights abuses against the Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the resolutions and called for changes in the institution.

“More decisions disconnected from reality by the circus of the absurd called the Human Rights Council,” the prime minister wrote. “The time has come to change the name to ‘the Council for Decisions Against the Only Democracy in the Middle East.”

Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the UN, agreed that the UNHRC should consider a name change, adding said the US might need to reconsider its membership if the council continues its anti-Israel bias.

“When the Human Rights Council treats Israel worse than North Korea, Iran, and Syria, it is the Council itself that is foolish and unworthy of its name. It is time for the countries who know better to demand changes. Many countries agree that the Council’s agenda is grossly biased against Israel, but too few are willing to fight it,” said Haley.

“When that happens, as it did today, the Council fails to fulfill its duty to uphold human rights around the world. The United States continues to evaluate our membership in the Human Rights Council. Our patience is not unlimited. Today’s actions make clear that the organization lacks the credibility needed to be a true advocate for human rights,” she added.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon echoed the sentiments of his boss.

The US, Australia, and the United Kingdom decried the anti-Israel bias of the UNHRC, calling for the abolition of Agenda Item 7, which requires that every UNHRC session include discussion of Israel’s human rights abuses. They asked instead that issues regarding Israel be debated under Agenda Item 4, which is set aside to discuss human rights abuses in all UN member states.


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Source: Israel in the News