Trump’s Military Parade to Take Place in November

A Pentagon memo sent to the Joint Chief of Staff on Thursday announced that the military parade President Trump requested in January will be added as part of the usual November 11, Veterans Day celebrations, though it will not be as extravagant as the president hoped.

“This parade will focus on the contributions of our veterans throughout the history of the US military, starting from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 to today, with an emphasis on the price of freedom,” said the memorandum for General Joe Dunford, who chairs the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Pentagon plan called for the parade to travel from the White House to the Capitol Building but it will include “wheeled vehicles only, no tanks,” since heavy treaded vehicles would damage the city streets.

The memo also allowed for “a heavy air component at the end of the parade, to include older aircraft as available.”

The White House’s budget chief recently told Congress the event will cost taxpayers $10-$30 million.

US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has said the planned parade demonstrates the “president’s affection and respect for the military”.

The parade will focus on the contributions of veterans throughout the history of the US military, starting with the Revolutionary War, and highlight the evolution of women veterans from second world war to the present, according to the memo.


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Source: Israel in the News