Trump’s Israel Ambassador: Look to Exodus 30:21 to Protect Against Coronavirus

The U.S ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, called upon the world to check their Bible to see how to stop the

Ambassador David Friedman center and Envoy Jason Greenblatt right at the Salomon shiva
Courtesy Yesha Council

spread of coronavirus on Friday. That’s because in Exodus 30:21, there is a passage that states that those who wash their hands will be spared from death:

they shall wash their hands and feet, that they may not die. (Exodus 30:21)

In the tweet, the American envoy to Jerusalem stated: “In this week’s Torah portion, God commands (Exodus, Ch. 30, V.21): “And you shall wash your hands … and you shall not die.” Let’s all heed that advice, along with that of our health experts, and together we will arrest the spread of Covid-19. Stay safe and Shabbat Shalom!”

The ‘Torah portion’ is a section of the Torah used in Jewish liturgy during a particular week. It is a custom among religious Jewish communities for a weekly Torah portion, popularly referred to as a parshah, to be read during Jewish prayer services.

Friedman is an orthodox Jew and often invokes the Bible during interviews.

Source: Israel in the News