Trump Is Messianic Figure, UN Is Gog: Prominent Israeli Rabbi

A highly respected rabbi recently spoke in Jerusalem, labeling US President Donald Trump a “Messianic figure” who will fulfill his campaign promise of making America great by purifying the country in preparation for the Messiah while fighting the United Nations, which the rabbi identified as Gog.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin, a rabbi who interprets modern events from a Torah perspective, gave a lecture two weeks ago in Jerusalem, in which he emphatically stated that US President Donald Trump is bringing the world closer to the Messiah.

“The Messianic process is unfolding literally in front of our eyes,” Rabbi Kessin said, giving the last US presidential election as proof. “Trump’s election was a revealed miracle. He shouldn’t have won since all the politicians and many Americans hated him more than any president before in American history. They hate him because he will cause a Satan to die in America. They don’t want this to happen and this is why they don’t want him to help Israel. But Trump is greater than that.”

The rabbi explained that Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem was Israel’s capital and the ensuing international furor over it was the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, specifically what he called the ‘Tikkun (fixing) of Esau’.

“When Esau is seen helping Israel, it is a sign Moshiach is right around the corner,” Rabbi Kessin said.

In explanation, Rabbi Kessin quoted the Bible concerning the prophesied fate of Jacob and Esau told to their mother, Rivka.

And Hashem answered her, “Two nations are in your womb, Two separate peoples shall issue from your body; One people shall be mightier than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.” Genesis 25:23

The rabbi noted an ambiguity in the Hebrew text that had vastly different import.

“Due to the absence of pronunciation markings, the wording of the Torah text can be read either as ‘va’ya’avod’, meaning he shall serve, or ‘va’ya’aved’,  he shall enslave,” the rabbi explained. “Esau will help Jacob by either serving him or by causing him to suffer since suffering is a way to bring God back into the world.”

Rabbi Kessin stated that this prophecy did not materialize in the Bible but it is destined to come about in the era preceding Messiah.

“In the end, Esau will do a Tikkun by defending Jacob, fighting the nations that come against him,” Rabbi Kessin said. The rabbi stated that Israel and the Jewish people are the descendants of Jacob but Esau’s identity in modern times is more complex.

“Esau is also a patriarch. He became the nation of Edom, which eventually became Rome,” Rabbi Kessin said. “And then it transformed into a religion, Christianity, so that it could spread out into the world.”

Rabbi Kessin noted that historically, Christianity has fulfilled Esau’s prophetic role of causing distress to Israel.

“Christianity has spent an inordinate amount of energy persecuting Jews, though not all of Esau did this,” Rabbi Kessin said. He stated that in its Christian incarnation, three different aspects of Esau developed into three separate national entities.

“The arrogance of Esau became Russia under the communists,” Rabbi Kessin said, citing the decidedly anti-religious aspect of communism. “The ultimate arrogance is when a man becomes an atheist and says there is no God; there is only me.”

“The fraudulent aspect of Esau is Europe,” Rabbi Kessin stated. “On one hand they preach love, while on the other hand, they have had more wars than any other part of the world.”

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He noted that much of this fake love resulted in suffering for Israel.

“The holocaust, the Inquisition, this is all fraudulent piety,” the rabbi said. “To this day [European nations] are incredibly anti-Semitic. They can’t hide it or hold back. They just keep coming out against Israel.”

The rabbi then explained America’s role in this prophetic process.

“The third part of Esau is America, the part that seeks pleasure,” Rabbi Kessin said. “But this is the good part of Esau. In the end of days, this is the part of Esau that will be restored by helping Yaakov. Therefore there has to come a time before Moshiach when this good part of Esau does tshuva (repentance) by helping Israel.”

“Donald Trump is that man, that part of Esau,” Rabbi Kessin said. “He doesn’t know it and he wouldn’t believe it, but he is a messianic figure.”

The rabbi clarified this astounding statement.

“He is not the messiah but he will create a paradigm shift,” Rabbi Kessin stated. “His mission is transformative. He is going to change America, purify it. God wants to clean up America of all its sins before Moshiach. The liberals Especially have caused an incredible moral decay. This what Trump really means when he says he wants to make America great again.”

Rabbi Kessin noted that by announcing to the world that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital, President Trump fulfilled Esau’s Biblical vow.

Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; let what you have remain yours.” Genesis 33:9

“When he made his declaration, Trump recognized that all of Israel was given to the Jews. He is defending the Jews in front of the world to the point where he is willing to punish them.”

The rabbi emphasized that when the US stood up for its Jerusalem declaration in the United Nations General Assembly, that was the prophesied pre-Messianic battle of Gog and Magog. He explained that in gematria (Hebrew numerology), ‘Gog and Magog’ equals 70. 70 is understood to signify all the nations of the world since the Bible lists 70 descendants of Noah.

“Trump defended Israel against the entire world, and that is the prophesied battle of Gog and Magog,” explained Rabbi Kessin, citing Ezekiel.

After a long time you shall be summoned; in the distant future you shall march against the land [of a people] restored from the sword, gathered from the midst of many peoples—against the mountains of Yisrael, which have long lain desolate—[a people] liberated from the nations, and now all dwelling secure. Ezekiel 38:8

[The prophet] stated that all the nations will gang up against Jerusalem, and isn’t that what they just did in the UN?” Rabbi Kessin asked rhetorically. “The UN is Gog and Magog.”

“This is all part of Esau doing tshuva, becoming great, so he can help Israel. And America will become great,” Rabbi Kessin stated. “God wants America to be prosperous so that they can assist Israel in the next step.”

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Source: Israel in the News