Three-year-old arrested? Father detained by police for “crime” of son lying down at Temple Mount

Three-year-old arrested? Father detained by police for “crime” of son lying down at Temple Mount

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Peirman has been serving in Gaza in the IDF since the war broke out over three months ago. When he finally got leave to visit his family, he took the opportunity to ascend to the Temple Mount with his three small children, the oldest of whom is 6 years old and the youngest is 3 years old. When they came to the western side of the Temple Mount Compound, the three-year old boy playfully lay down on the stairs.

This led to the father’s arrest by the Israeli police. 

“I went home for an ‘after’ (a one-day leave) and went up to the Temple Mount with my three children, the oldest 6 years old and the youngest 3 years old. My youngest son was frolicking along the way, and when we got to the west side and wanted to take a picture, he lay down there on one of the steps. When we left the mount we were informed that I was detained together with the children under the suspicion that my son bowed down.”

The father and three small children were taken to the police station, where they received a stern warning from the officer on duty that if such an incident happened again, the father would be arrested. 

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Peirman and his three sons. (credit: Beyadenu)

It should be noted that the Torah commands Jews to prostrate themselves on the Temple Mount, and it is strictly forbidden for a Jew to prostrate himself in prayer in any other location. 

 “The officer told me that he prevented me from bowing in front of the east gate,” Rabbi OPeirman said. “I told him that he did not prevent me from bowing, but I myself did not bow after he made it clear to me that this was not permitted. He then said that my little 3-year-old son bowed on the west side, which was clearly not true. I told him it was not true. After that he warned me that the next time it happens I will be arrested”

The Israel Police responded: “From the inquiry we conducted it appears that the boy’s father asked the police officer on the spot whether it was permissible to commit the act during the visit and he answered in the negative. A very short time later, towards the end of the visit, the child committed the act in violation of the rules of the visit, and the father who is responsible for the child, encouraged him to do so and even photographed him during the act. That is why the father was detained after the visit was completed, was warned, and released with his children in a short time, without criminal proceedings or any sanction.”

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Peirman’s youngest son lying on the stairs at the Temple Mount. (Photo credit Beyadenu)

It is unclear what the father could be charged with as Israeli law requires equality of religions on the Temple Mount including free expression of customs. The Israeli police cite security concerns and concern for Palestinian violence as a reason to prevent non-Muslims (and most particularly, Jews) from exercising this right.

Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu commented, “The Israeli police on the Temple Mount really have no shame, and now are resorting to detaining three year olds! It’s important to remind the police at this time that there is no law against praying or bowing on the Temple Mount.”

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Peirman’s youngest son lying on the stairs at the Temple Mount. (Photo credit Beyadenu)

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