The Sons of Jacob Promised Return Series – The Tribe of Simeon

The Sons of Jacob Promised Return Series – The Tribe of Simeon

I have found there is a great difference between relating to the ancient land of Israel and traveling to Israel to connect with the land herself.

I have read about biblical history as many have, but when I traveled and visited the many biblical sites, I found a profound connection. As a result, my heart connected to the land. I visited places like the ancient site of the City of David, where he brought the Ark of the Covenant and there I saw four thousand years of history represented at this site. I visited the wailing wall that is a part of the Temple Mount, and walked on the top of the wall that surrounds the city where the two temples were built. I traveled to Tiberias and stood by the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and I saw the many biblical sites. In my seventeen trips to Israel, I discovered that Israel was sown into my heart. On a recent trip, I visited the lands that were given to the Sons of Jacob that became the 12 Tribes of Israel and learned about each of them. 

“If we are going to pray for the return of the scattered tribes, we need to know who we are praying for, and what God has said about them. This will give us a heart for them for their return. They will be sown into our hearts like the land. “

Simeon is the second son of Leah and Jacob. The name “Simeon” means “To Hear.” (Gen. 29:32). The symbol for this tribe is “a fighting sword.” They are described as warriors.  This tribe carries the anointing to hear. They had a shared land with Judah, and their area extended to the city of Beersheba. In Ezekiel 48:24, Simeon’s land will be restored in the area near Benjamin and Judah. (Ezekiel 48:24). Simeon was first to go up to take the land of the Canaanites with Judah. (Judges 1:3,17). Their ability “to hear” translated to their ability to fight and defend Israel. 

Simeon was said to be cruel as a warrior, according to Jacob. (Gen. 49:7). When his sister Dinah was raped by a man named Shechem, he devised a scheme to rescue her and kill all the men in the city. (Gen. 34:2-26). 

When God begins to work in our lives to restore, He will also redeem our future generations to His original purposes and strengths. The anointing “to hear” was redeemed and is still working for the benefit of Israel. The sacred prayer “Shema Yisrael” is recited daily morning and evening to this day for the people “to hear.” It is found in Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one God.” 

Here is what we can learn from Simeon. He was a keeper of the promises of God by watching over his family, and the promises of God, for the inheritance of the land. The sacred prayer of “Shema Yisrael” reminds us of his anointing “to hear.” 

We are invited by the prophet Isaiah “to watch and wait” with Simeon “to hear and see” on the walls of Jerusalem. Isaiah the prophet tells us that God is looking for “watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem,” who will watch over His promises day and night. Like Simeon, who was ready to take the land for his tribe, we are to watch over the fulfillment of God’s prophecies for Jerusalem in Isaiah 62:6-7.

I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace, day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes, and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

The Voice of Aliyah is being heard in the Nations for Simeon

Declaration of Return for the Tribe of Simeon

“Simeon, from your birth you were appointed “to hear” your God and fight for Him. He has called you to return to the land first appointed to you and have your portion restored. (Ezek. 48:24). The Holy One of Israel will redeem and restore you to your inheritance. Hear now His Word to return from the nations that you might know HaShem in the land of Israel and His love for you and your children. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is waiting for you to come home.”

Land of Simeon Restored

The restored tribe of Simeon, according to Ezekiel 48:24, will have land near the tribe of Benjamin, which is near Judah and Benjamin.

The location of the sons of Simeon

Midrashic writings and history suggest that the Tribe of Simeon was taken captive by the Assyrian king Sennacherib and taken to Ethiopia. When the Chazars adopted Judaism, Simeon joined them. A part of the Falashas people are said to claim descent from the tribe of Simeon. (Ha-Shiloah, ix. 360). Ethiopian Jews are now returning to Israel. While we cannot be certain where all the tribes and their descendants went, we do know God has promised to bring them back to the land of Israel. 

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