The Person in charge of Tabulating Israel’s Election fell Asleep, delaying Results

The Person in charge of Tabulating Israel’s Election fell Asleep, delaying Results

The head of Israel’s elections Committee Orly Adas, released a statement on Wednesday announcing that the ballot counting was stopped during the night. This included ballot stations whose votes are still being tabulated. The reason is because the person tasked with tabulating the results “crashed” and went to sleep delaying the count by at least two hours reports 0404.

As of now, after certifying 88% of the votes, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party is leading with 30 mandates. Yesh Atid is trailing with 17 and Sephardic Religious party Shas boasts 9. Defense minister Benny Gantz’s Blue and White has 8 mandates while Ashkenazi orthodox party United Torah Judaism has 7.

Yemina, headed by Naftali Bennett has 7 seats as does Labor as well as Israel is our Home. Religious Zionism dropped down to 6 seats while left-wing Meretz has 5 as does the Arab Raam party. As of now, Netanyahu doesn’t appear to have a coalition of over 61 like-minded parties. But the opposition has even less with just 56 (assuming the Arab parties don’t join them).

Why just one person is in charge of tabulating all of Israel’s votes or what happened during those two hours is causing many in the Jewish State to lose faith in the country’s democratic process.

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