The Late Ari Fuld has just become a Grandfather

The Late Ari Fuld has just become a Grandfather

A truly bittersweet event took place on Thursday.
Ari Fuld, was a prominent right-wing Anglo activist who made Aliyah from New York. He was murdered by an Arab terrorist in 2018 in the Gush Etzion region of Judea. 
On Wednesday, his eldest daughter Tamar and her husband Michaya Beasley who are also celebrating their two-year wedding anniversary gave birth to a baby boy.

I have a really exciting announcement to make.

My niece and nephew, Tamar and Michaya Beasley, children of Ari and…

Posted by Hillel Fuld on Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Fuld’s death is still mourned by many, and those who knew him are still touched by his inner warmth and passion for Israel, the Jewish people and the Torah.
Following his tragic murder, Fuld’s family thanked Israel365 supporters worldwide for their generous donations. To date, Israel365 has raised more than $1 million to help provide for his wife, Miriam, and four children.
Mazal Tov to the new member of the tribe. May he enjoy the merits of his family and grandfather, and grow up in his footsteps.

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