The Day After The Israel- Hamas War
Evangelical Christians are intensely interested in the current war between Israel and Hamas. Many are wondering what happens “the day after” the war ends.
Recently a U.S. Official announced that discussions were held with the nations around Israel and in the Middle East region. He stated there is an agreement that the first step to lasting peace is a Palestine state, or what is now called a Two-State solution. This solution usually calls for this Palestinian state to be based on the pre-1967 borders by giving them what they define as the “West Bank” which includes the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria along with half of Jerusalem. This solution leaves the State of Israel completely surrounded by her enemies which vow to her destruction. On the map see below the areas which are to make up a Palestinian state in green.
The Gaza Strip experiment was to be a part of this Palestinian state solution that went horribly wrong. The Gaza Strip was left in the hands of the Palestinian Authority assuming the outcome would be a peaceful co-existence between the Jews and Palestinians as a Two-State solution. The terrorist organization, Hamas, stepped in and took over the Gaza Strip making it an attack base for launching rockets at Israel. Both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are proxies of Iran and belong to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Day After the War
The plan for a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank (Judea-Samaria) would call for self-governance. One plan being considered is to put this new state back into the hands of the Palestinian Authority. This plan would only guarantee more of the same hostilities towards Israel. As mentioned, the Palestinian Authority or PLO is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood along with Hamas and ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). The Muslim Brotherhood believes, as its charter states, in the obliteration of the Jews from the land of Israel so that from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea there would be no Jews. Their motto states, “From the River to the Sea” meaning one Islamic State. This motto is an expression of commitment to the genocide of the Jews. This would be Israel’s worst nightmare.
The Reality of a Two-State Solution
Jews would not be a part of having access to the territories or cities which would be given to the Palestinians. Their Biblical Heartland would be lost. Look at cities that are now under Palestinian control such as Bethlehem, Nablus and Jericho. Jews are not allowed to live in these places. What would a Palestinian state look like based on the pre-1967 borders (The boundaries that existed prior to the 1967 war in which Israel acquired more of Judea and Samaria) that includes Gaza, East Jerusalem along with Judea-Samaria? Today, there are more than 244 Jewish settlements and outposts in the West Bank area of Judea and Samaria. Some of these cities are large in size such as Maale Adumim with over 37,000 Jews living in this city. The city of Ariel has over 20,000 residents. There are a total of 475,000 Israelis who live in the area of the West Bank (Judea-Samaria). The day after a Two-State solution agreement, they would have to leave their homes and flee back into another part of Israel. The Two-State solution would include giving back the Golan. This would give the Palestinian state control over the Jordan and the water supply that feeds the Galilee. It also points to security issues as it overlooks the Galilee region.

The New Reality of Jerusalem
In a Two-State solution, half of Jerusalem would become Palestinian only. This would mean many traditional religious sites would be given up such as: Temple Mount, the Western Wailing Wall, The Garden Tomb, and the Mt. of Olives. Can you imagine a terrorist escorting you to visit the Tomb of Jesus with a gun at your back? This division of Israel was decided initially by the United Nations and ratified by the Oslo Accords in which other nations determined what would be divided in Israel. How would the God of the Bible view such a division of the land? We don’t have to wonder. The Bible actually speaks for God on this issue:
“I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.”
(Joel 3:2)
What about access to the traditional sites, once they are under Palestinian Control? If the Temple Mount management is an indication of how the Palestinians would treat Christians and Jews, we would expect to see that Jews would not be able to visit and pray at the Wailing Wall or any of the Old City. Under Palestinian rule, Christians would be restricted in their access to the holy sites as they are at Temple Mount where they are told not to pray. Why is this the case? Muslims believe that those who do not believe in their god Allah are infidels. Infidels are not allowed to pray at holy places in their world. There would also be restricted access to the Mount of Olives. There are more than a dozen Churches on the Mt. of Olives which also hosts the largest Jewish cemetery in Israel.
The One State Solution Plan
It seems that the only solution to the coexistence of Palestinians and Jews is to learn to live together in the same state. Many Palestinians will tell you that they do not want to live in a Palestinian State. Their quality of life in the State of Israel is far better. A recent Gallup poll shows that only 24% of Palestinians living in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem supported a Two-State solution. Currently, there are many mostly Palestinian cities that are under self-governance and oversee their own needs. The problem of Palestinians fighting their neighbors occurs when terrorist organizations come and stir up the residents with hatred and enlist them into terrorist organizations. The Two-State solution does not serve the needs of the Palestinian people or the Jews. The real need is to get rid of the terrorist organizations that create hate and violence. The current proposal would lead to Israel being surrounded by terrorists who have sworn to their destruction. I can imagine signs entering the regions making up the new Palestinian state displaying their motto, “From the river to the sea.” In this scenario, a vote for the Two-State solution is a vote for a new holocaust. There are currently over eight million Jews who live in the State of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and their proxies are committed to the removal and obliteration of the Jews who now live in Israel. This is a plan for another holocaust with an even greater loss of life. The terrorist that would arise in such a Two- State solution might have a different name than Hamas, but they would be the same players with the same idea to destroy Israel. Iran would continue to supply them and inspire them to violence against Israel.
It is time for Christians to know the issues and to stand up for Israel by making their voices heard and through their prayers for Israel. God is looking for watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. The prophet Isaiah looking down through the ages addresses the need to stand for Israel. He states the cry of the watchmen is needed for today.
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch. On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the LORD in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth.” (Isaiah 62: 6,7)
It is not the time “to be silent” concerning Israel. It is the time to speak up to God and man on what is now taking place, and for the future plans man has for Israel. God’s solution does not include a Two-State application. It instead envisions His chosen people Israel living in the favor of God who continue to bless the nations with their faith, their knowledge, their inventions and their many skills. There are currently over 6,000 startups in Israel. There are more than 30 companies valued over one billion U.S. dollars in Israel. Israel’s irrigation systems are being used all over the world to revolutionize agriculture. The Jews continue to lead the world in the area of inventions such as: solar energy and computer technology having invented the first PC microprocessor that kicked off the PC revolution. Israeli engineers first developed the original cell phone technology.
Israel is a favored nation with God and it should also be for those who serve God. Let us continue to pray for Israel and peace in the Middle East. Let us use God’s biblical solutions for the bases of this peace, and not what man tries to force upon this nation. God said, “Do not divide My land” based on Joel 3:2. All nations will be examined by God to see what they have done concerning Israel. Let us make sure weare standing on the right side of history at this time in prayer.
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