The amazing city of Jerusalem
“For Hashem has chosen Tzion; he has desired it for his seat. This is my resting-place for all time, here I will dwell For I desire it.” – The Israel Bible
“Because Jerusalem captures the heart of God; It captures the hearts of men.”
The Jewish people and their connection to Jerusalem
The Jewish people have the longest historical presence and claim to the City of Jerusalem. While there have been times when the Jews were forcefully removed from the city, such as when it was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Roman General Titus, there has always been a remnant of Jews in the land since it was recognized over 4,000 years ago.
Claims on Jerusalem being made
There are those who argue that parts of Jerusalem belong to the Palestinian people, along with other lands in Israel, and that Jews are occupying the lands belonging to them. This narrative is not supported by the history of the biblical record. For instance, the Quran does not mention the city of Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem was not relevant to Islam until it was later said that Mohamed ascended to heaven from the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount. It is considered their third most sacred site while Temple Mount in Jerusalem is considered the Jews’ most holy site. The Bible mentions Jerusalem more than any other city, around eight hundred times.

Christians and their connection to Jerusalem
Christians see the importance of Jerusalem because of the biblical record and its many historical sites relating to biblical history connected to the life of Jesus. Many Christians understand Jerusalem by covenant belongs to the Jewish people. They are moving from Replacement Theology to a covenant theology that sees that the Jews are the Chosen People of God and His special heritage. (Joel 3:2). They also feel a strong connection to Jerusalem’s history as her history speaks to their own beliefs. This new alignment between Christians and Jews is leading to increased cooperation in the protection of the land of Israel with joint efforts to defend the lands of Israel such as with the new movement that is called, “Keep God’s Land.” (See at:
What draws people to Jerusalem?
It can be argued that Jerusalem is one of the most cherished and visited cities in the world by different people groups. I have personally visited Jerusalem on trips to Israel over twenty times and yet never get tired of walking her streets. What draws men’s hearts to Jerusalem? I have concluded that, because Jerusalem captures the heart of God, it captures men’s hearts! Jerusalem is best realized when a person actually visits this city and walks her holy streets. You can learn about the city, study her history, and read what others say about her, but the best way to experience Jerusalem is to go visit the city herself. You can hear prayers three times a day being read and hear prayer at the Wailing Wall and see the awe in which men hold this city.

Attempts to divide Jerusalem were predicted in the Scriptures.
Scripture makes it clear that Jerusalem is not to be divided, but that the nations will attempt to divide her to their own harm. (See Joel 3:2; Zechariah 12:2,3).
“On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” (Zechariah 12:3).
The prophet Joel states that God will gather all nations and enter into judgment with them for trying to divide Jerusalem and the land of Israel along with scattering his heritage Israel:
“I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations. They have also divided up My land.” (Joel 3:2)
Jerusalem is to remain the undivided capital of Israel. Scripture sees a time when a Third Temple will be rebuilt in this holy city, and it will become a House of Prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7; Zechariah 8:23; Ezekiel 37: 27,28). All nations will bear witness to this temple as proof that God dwells in Jerusalem.
“I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gathering them from every side and bring them into their own land.” (Ezekiel 37:21)
“The nations also will know that I, the Lord, sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever.” (Ezekiel 37:28)

(Source: Shutterstock)
What does God say about His connection to Jerusalem?
Scripture says that Hashem loves the gates of Zion (Jerusalem) more than any other gates. (Psalms 87:2). This reference to what we know as Jerusalem first begins to be seen in the Scriptures in the book of Genesis. God told Abraham to take his Son Isaac to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering. (Genesis 22:2). He told him He would show him the mountain where to take him. Temple Mount is a part of Mount Moriah. The Hebrew word for Moriah means, “Mountain seen by God.” It was on Mount Moriah that King David bought a threshing floor to make a sin offering to the Lord. (2 Samuel 24:18-25). He would later raise a tent of praise here called the Tabernacle of David. It was here on this mountain that David dreamed of building a temple toGod. (I Chronicles 22:1). It would be King David’s son Solomon who would actually build this temple David dreamed about. (2 Chronicles 3:1).
There is no doubt Jerusalem has captured God’s heart when we read in God’s own words of how He feels about this ancient city:
For the Lord has chosen Zion (Jerusalem), He has desired it for His habitation. This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.” (Psalms 132:13,14).
If the God of the Universe has captured your heart, then it is impossible to visit this city and not have the city that captured His heart capture yours! It is possible that biblical history can come alive for the visitor here. But can it be that the greater impact is found in one “coming alive to the heart of God in this holy city?” Could this coming alive to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob be the compelling reason we should visit this ancient city?
As a Christian leader, I encourage every one of faith to visit Israel and to walk the streets of Jerusalem. It just may be that this city will capture your heart for the God of the Bible.
The post The amazing city of Jerusalem appeared first on Israel365 News.
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