Starting soon: Emergency Saturday Night Prayer for the Hostages
Jewish and Christian leaders will be joining in a special prayer session for the hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. The session can be accessed at this link.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz: head of Israel365
Donna Jollay: the Director of Christian Relations for Israel365

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki: Executive Director of Ohr Torah Stone’s Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation

Pastor Mario Bramnick: President of the Latino Coalition for Israel

Michele Bachman: former congressman and Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University,

Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons: Senior Pastor at Eagle Mountain Ministries
Rev. Peter Fast: National Director of Bridges for Peace Canada
Rabbi Weisz will be performing the Havdalah ritual with his family in Bet Shemesh, Israel. Havdalah is the ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat and ushers in the new week. The ritual involves lighting a special candle with several wicks, blessing a cup of wine, and smelling sweet spices. Shabbat ends on Saturday night after the appearance of three stars in the sky.
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