The foreign ministry advertised Tuesday for candidates to replace replace Einat Shlain as Israel’s ambassador to Jordan. In a statement distributed to Ministry employees, it said the job was available immediately.
The search for a new ambassador comes after Israel and Jordan resolved a six-month diplomatic crisis after a Jordanian man attacked an embassy guard, Ziv Moyal, in Amman with a screwdriver last July. In response, Moyal opened fire, killing the attacker but setting off a firestorm of criticism inside the Hashemite Kingdom, where the 1994 peace treaty with Israel is deeply unpopular. Several members of the Jordanian parliament called for the Kingdom to try and execute him Moyal for murder and to withdraw from the peace treaty.
The government in Amman eventually allowed the Israeli embassy staff, including Moyal, to leave after intervention by the US Trump administration officials “at the highest levels” but refused to allow the embassy to reopen.
In order to resolve the conflict, Israel agreed to pay Jordan $ 5 million in compensation and apologized to the government in Amman over the incident. In addition, Israel agreed that Ambassador Einat Shlain would not return to Jordan and that a new ambassador would be appointed in her stead.
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Source: Israel in the News