Soldiers’ Rabbi: ‘I Saw Them Just A Half-Hour Before. The Pain Is Indescribable’

Rabbi David Fuchs, a rabbi at the Nahal Haredi Organization, who was acquainted with the soldiers who were slain in yesterday’s terrorist shooting near Givat Assaf, expressed in anguish: “They were such sweet boys, always wore smiles on their faces. Their friends loved and admired them; they were friends with everyone. I saw them today, just a half-hour before the attack. They were in the midst of guarding the station as I passed by them in my car on my way to deliver Torah lectures in pillboxes, but I didn’t want to stop to avoid disturbing them. To hear that guys like that, boys who were so full of energy, happy, upbeat, have fallen is indescribably painful. I met now with their friends; everyone is in terrible shock. The anguish causes them to focus now even more intensely on their duties. The residents of the settlement where they fell loved them and shared a close relationship with them.”

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Rabbi Tzvi Klebanow, President of the Nahal Haredi Organization, which accompanies Haredi soldiers throughout their army service, adds, “We are terribly pained by the tragic news of the death of our precious soldiers, and we express our sincere condolences to the bereaved families and friends. In the upcoming days, we will increase and reinforce our activities with the soldiers in the brigade in order to encourage, strengthen and support them during these difficult hours. We likewise join the nation in collective prayer for the full recovery of our wounded soldier.”

Source: Israel in the News