Small group of Jews prays at Joseph’s Tomb despite Palestinian threats

Small group of Jews prays at Joseph’s Tomb despite Palestinian threats

On Thursday morning, a group of 50 Jews entered Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) for prayers accompanied by IDF troops. Jewish visitation to their holy site is limited to one night each month when hundreds usually arrive at the grave of the Biblical figure.

This comes after the security establishment announced that they would ban Jews from visiting the tomb. The IDF has sealed Shechem in response to escalating violence.

The previous evening, the “Lion’s Den”, a Palestinian terrorist group, issued a warning, threatening to kill any Jew who entered the holy site.

“Entering the compound will be a death sentence for a large number of settlers,” the terrorist organization said.

Among the people that visited the site were Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, his deputy Davidi Ben-Zion, Itamar Rabbi Daniel Luntzer, Judea and Samaria Division Commander Brigadier General Avi Bluth, and Samaria Brigade Commander Lieutenant Colonel Shimon Sisu.

Dagan stated: “We are visiting Joseph’s Tomb during Sukkot, on the symbolic date during which it is customary to ‘host’ the biblical Joseph. During the time of [former Prime Minister] Ehud Barak, the Israeli government ran away from Joseph’s Tomb and the holy site was desecrated, burned, and destroyed time after time. We pulled out of the communities in northern Samaria, and we got a wave of terrorism in Tel Aviv, Elad, Bnei Brak, Shavei Shomron, and Jerusalem. Because whoever runs away from terrorism, terrorism chases him.”

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