Shin Bet Foils Smuggling of Cell Phones to Palestinian Security Prisoners

Smuggled items

A Shin Bet investigation revealed an ongoing plot to smuggle cell phones into prisons that stretched back as far as 2016.

By Yona Schnitzer, TPS

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), along with the Israeli Police and Israeli Prison Service,  uncovered an ongoing conspiracy to smuggle cell phones into the hands of Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli prisons using drones, the Shin Bet cleared for publication Thursday.

The plot was uncovered in October, when a drone carrying a payload of cell phones crashed into one of the outer walls of Nafha Prison in Israel’s south while attempting to drop the phones within the prison walls. A police force recovered the crashed drone as well as 60 cell phones and launched an investigation into the incident.

The investigation revealed an ongoing plot to smuggle cell phones into prisons that stretched back as far as 2016. Throughout November, security forces apprehended both residents of Israel and the West Bank, who were in contact with security prisoners with whom they coordinated the smuggling.

The Shin Bet said it will continue to cooperate with the police and the Prison Service in order to prevent such incidents, which are harmful to the security of the state.

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Source: United with Israel