Security Beefed Up Around Czech Jewish Sites

The Old synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Prague

Apparently learning from the experience of other countries, Czech authorities are formulating plans to prevent attacks against Jewish targets in the country. 

The Czech Interior Ministry says it has signed an agreement with representatives of the Jewish community to better protect Jewish sites in Prague and across the country.

The step was taken in reaction to recent Muslim attacks against Jewish targets in Paris, Brussels and elsewhere and a possible threat of further attacks.

As part of the deal signed on Tuesday, a new coordination center will be created by law enforcement agencies together with Prague City Hall representatives who will closely cooperate with a security coordinator of Jewish sites, a newly created post.

The ministry says Jewish sites are considered “soft targets” for Muslim terrorists and that especially those in Prague, that are flooded by tourists from all over the globe, face a high risk.

By: AP

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Source: United with Israel