The Hebrew calendar year 6,000, 222 years from now, marks the end of the age of the Messiah but scientist Saul Kullook, has calculated a different date, potentially bringing redemption much closer.
Kullook has made an intense study into physical-mathematical structures contained in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient tradition of Israel. His correlation between major events affecting the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and the latitude of the Biblical borders in Israel was published in Breaking Israel News last week.
He presented an additional theory that bears enormous implications for how our current era fits into the framework of prophecy.
As a preface to Kullook’s latest discovery, he cited the Talmud (Tractate Avodah Zarah 9a) which states that the world will last for 6,000 years. This is broken down into three periods: for 2,000 years, the world stood empty, for 2,000 years the world existed “in Torah”, and the final 2,000 years will be the age when the Messiah may come, depending on mankind’s actions. At the end of the 6,000 years, the Messiah must come, even if mankind has not prepared itself.
According to the current Hebrew calendar, the current year is 5778, meaning the age of the Messiah is set to end in 222 years, or 2240 CE.
“No one alive today can reasonably expect to see the end of the age of Messiah,” Kullook said to Breaking Israel News. “Not him or even his grandchildren.”
But Kullook discovered a wrinkle in the calculation of the Hebrew calendar that may change that fact.
“According to well-known scholarly historical records the destruction of the First Temple took place in 586 BCE,” Kullook explained. “All our mathematical correlations are in agreement with this date. Nevertheless, the time of the destruction of the First Temple according to Rabbinic calculations corresponds to 422 BCE.”
Kullook explained the discrepancy.
“Our current Hebrew calendar is based on the Rabbinical work Seder Olam Rabbah, introduced in the Second Century CE,” he said. “It provides the base for the current Hebrew calendar and calculates it according to the destruction of the First Temple in 422 BCE, which introduces a difference of 164 years in relation to the scholarly counting for past historical events.”
Kulook explained how the Seder Olam Rabbah came to this conclusion.
“Torah sources are in agreement that the biblical Exodus took place in the year 2,448 according to the Hebrew Bible chronology. After that, there were 480 years until the First Temple was built,” Kullok said, citing the Book of Kings.
In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites left the land of Egypt, in the month of Ziv—that is, the second month—in the fourth year of his reign over Yisrael, Shlomo began to build the House of Hashem. I Kings 6:1
Kullook went on to describe the timeline.
“According to the Talmud (Tractate Yoma 9a), the First Temple was destroyed 410 years after it was built,” he said. “This means that the time of the destruction of the First Temple according to the Hebrew Bible chronology was the year 3,338 (2,448+480+410). Hence, the year 4,000, from when the Messianic age starts, will have begun 662 years after the destruction of the First Temple (3,338 + 662 = 4,000).”
“According to Seder Olam Rabbah and our current Hebrew calendar, the destruction of the First Temple took place in 442 BCE. This means that Seder Olam Raba and our current Hebrew calendar are out of synch with modern historical records concerning the destruction of the Temple. It introduces a difference of 164 years in relation to the scholarly counting for past historical events.”
“According to the counting of the Hebrew Calendar as set by Seder Olam Rabbah, the year 6000 will be in 222 years,” Kullook noted.”But if you figure the age of moshiach (Messiah) according to the Talmud and what we now know about the historical timing of the destruction of the First Temple, on this basis, the age of moshiach begins in 58 years.”
Stated simply, Kullook discovered that if you base the end of times, scheduled to arrive in the year 6,000 according to the current Hebrew Calendar which places the destruction of the First Temple in 442 BCE, the age of Moshiach will last until 2,240 CE. But if you base the end of times on a date of destruction of the First Temple in the historically accurate 586 BCE, the year 6,000 of the Hebrew chronology falls in 2076 CE.
“Because we are only 58 years away from the end of the 6,000 years of history, we can consider that we are, indeed, at the end-of-times,” Kullok said.
According to Kullook, this calculation does not give a leniency but, rather, a stringency and a warning.
“It is not that the Moshiach will necessarily come sooner,” he emphasized. “It is dependent on our actions. And this earlier timeline actually gives us less time to do the necessary tshuva (repentance). If the year 6,000 arrives and we are listening to God, then everything will be fine. But if the year 6,000 arrives and we are still ignoring His word, then there will be catastrophes that will be sent to force us to turn to God.”
Kullok emphasized that the rabbis did not make a mistake in setting the end of the age of moshiach 164 years later. An explanation for this discrepancy is included in his calculations.
“The Hebrew calendar allows for the ten day difference between the 355 day lunar year and the 365 day solar year,” he explained. “This difference is expressed in two ways. The cycle of leap years rectifies this by periodically adding an extra month. But it is also expressed by the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).”
Kullook explained that the 365.5 days of the solar calendar divided by the Ten days of Repentance equals 36.5. That ratio is precisely mirrored by the 6,000 years of history divided by the additional 164 years added by the rabbis. (6000 divided by 164 equals 36.5).
“The addition of 164 years is not random,” Kullook said. “The proportion of the Ten Days of Repentance days to the 365.5 day Solar year is 36.5(365.5/10=36.5). This is precisely equal to the ratio of the 164 years the rabbis added in relation to the 6,000 year history of the world (6,000/164=36.5).”
“It means that following the 6,000 years for history given by the Talmud, we have Ten Days of Repentance for all of Mankind, each year lasting 6,000 days,” Kullook said. “The rabbis, in their wisdom, added this time of repentance for all of mankind.”
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Source: Israel in the News