Saudi Daily: Hamas Has Founded an ‘Iranian Emirate’ In Gaza

Hamas terrorist organization leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

The Arab world is criticizing Hamas for acting against it and cleaving to Iran instead, serving as a “contractor” implementing the Iranian agenda.  

The Hamas terror organization is facing criticism from a Saudi daily, which is accusing it of being “completely subordinate to Iran’s ayatollahs.”

In an article published last week in the Saudi daily Al-Riyadh and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Saudi journalist and academic Baina Al-Mulhim leveled scathing criticism at Hamas over the recent rapprochement between Hamas and Iran, reflected in a visit by a high-ranking Hamas delegation to Tehran and in statements by Hamas officials stressing the importance of tightening relations with the Islamic republic and praising its financial and political support of Hamas.

Hamas’ leader in Gaza Yahya Al-Sinwar stressed that Iran is the greatest supporter of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, in terms of weapons, money and training.

Al-Mulhim wrote that Hamas is experiencing a crisis of identity because, despite being a Sunni movement, it follows the Shi’ite Iranian model and has established an Iranian emirate in Gaza, and its leaders are completely subordinate to Iran’s ayatollahs.

She added that Hamas, like Hezbollah, is not a resistance movement but rather a “contractor” implementing the Iranian agenda, which is to destroy the Jewish state, and is exploiting the problems of the Palestinian people for political purposes.

She noted that Iran serves as a patron, for political purposes, of Sunni terror groups that “maintain views that are radical in nature, among them Hamas.”

“In Gaza, Hamas has established an Iranian emirate that is completely subject to the Ayatollah [i.e. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei]. We have not forgotten [Hamas leader] Khaled Mash’al’s October 1, 2011 speech at Khamenei’s palace, which was basically a reiteration his loyalty and obedience [to Iran]. Mash’al was, after all, no more and no less than a clerk to Iran’s ayatollahs,” she charged.

“The problem of ideological movements, such as Hezbollah and Hamas – which have marketed themselves as resistance movements while, according to the political path both have taken… are nothing but ‘contractors’ [for Iran] – is that their leveraging of their people’s problems for political, economic, and material purposes is the dominant pattern of behavior in their activity and positions. This is proven by their position on the revolution in Syria – which corresponds to that of their patron, Iran,” Al-Mulhim added.

“Hamas’s return to the [bosom of the] Iranian regime, as evident from its visit [to Tehran] – when it knows full well that the path of return to the Arab [fold] passes only through Saudi Arabia – sends a message, that Hamas is still ‘marching in place,’” she concluded.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel