Rabbi who uses Bible to Accurately Predict Elections Worldwide: ‘Trump will Win’
Rabbi Meir Turnheim, an ultra-orthodox Jew from the Chabad movement who lives in Israel, has accurately predicted the results of political elections both in Israel and around the world with pinpoint accuracy. His more noteworthy predictions include Trump’s 2016 victory despite the polls and Netanyahu’s unexpected win in 2015. More recently, as he predicted that Netanyahu will win Israel’s elections in March reports YWN.

Rabbi Meir Turnheim (screenshot)
‘Trump will be reelected’
Rabbi Turnheim, who has accurately predicted the outcome of every Israeli election since 1996, bases his predictions on a complex method of isolating letters from one Bible passage whose reading falls on the anniversary of the week of the elections in the portion read on the day of the elections.
Regarding the upcoming U.S. election, Rabbi Turnheim’s decisive answer is that Trump will be reelected B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.
Trump’s victory appears in Genesis 18
Rav Turnheim’s made a name for himself after successfully predicting Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. In fact, journalists and politicians turn to him in the run up to elections to hear his predictions. Usually, Rabbi Turnheim reveals his predictions shortly before elections but this time, he decided to share them well in advance. That’s because he sees Trump as a President who protects the nation of Israel in the land of Israel, who fights against terror and nations that are hostile to Israel. The rabbi also sees him as a messenger who is fulfilling the prophecy of the Bible.
Rabbi Turnheim says that Trump’s victory appears in Genesis 18:1–22:24 in Chapter 19 in the passages 1, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, and 20. The words that are written in this chapter are as follows:
טראמפ יעלה וינצח – Trump will arise and be victorious.
(טראמפ יעלה וינצח (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא – (The same words appear in the next passuk.)
דונלד טראמפ ינצח/טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן – Donald Trump will be victorious/ Trump will win Joe Biden.
טראמפ ינצח את ביידן – Trump will win Biden.
טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב – Trump will win and be the President of the United States.
(טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא – (The same words appear in the next passuk)
דולנד טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן ויהיה נשיא – Donald Trump will win Joe Biden and will be the President.
טראמפ הוא המנצח. הוא יהיה הנשיא – Trump is the winner. He will be the President.
Not the only rabbi
The rabbi started his unique pastime after arriving at the conclusion that everything that happens in the world is inside the Torah. Therefore, a topic as important as the Israeli and international elections can also be found in the Torah.
He’s not the only rabbi who uses the Torah to predict elections. In October, Israel365 News reported that Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, a Bible codes expert, also predicted a win for Trump in November.
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