Rabbi Tuly Weisz calls for faith leaders to sign petition: “Biden, Stand strong”

Rabbi Tuly Weisz calls for faith leaders to sign petition: “Biden, Stand strong”

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, the head of Israel365, has put out a call for all Israel-loving faith leaders to sign a petition to garner support in the US government for Israel in its time of need. 

“It is imperative that we keep the pressure on the Biden administration to stand strong with Israel and give them the time to protect their people – our people,” Rabbi Weisz said. 

“This past week, President Biden arrived in Israel, and Israel365 along with our friends at the National Faith Advisory Board took out a full page ad in the Jerusalem Post with a strongly worded letter signed by over 50 Jewish and Christian faith leaders,” the call-to-action read. “Now, we are organizing an online petition to reach 100,000 people which we will present to President Biden, and we need your help. Add your name to our urgent letter to President Biden.”

Put out in cooperation with the National Faith Advisory Board (NFAB), the letter reads as follows:

The letter reads as follows:

Dear President Biden,

American and Israeli Jewish and Christian faith leaders thank you for visiting Israel in her darkest hour. You have shown solidarity with the Jewish People and we are grateful for your kind-hearted words.

Mr. President, we need you to take stronger action on behalf of Israel.

After Hamas’ massacre of over 1,400 innocent men, women and children, its evil is beyond dispute. Please call for the immediate and unconditional release of all of the 199 hostages and do not pressure Israel into a premature ceasefire. Israel must do all that is necessary to eliminate Hamas. It is not sufficient for Israel to degrade or even defeat this brutal terrorist regime, which oppresses its own people. Israel must completely destroy every Hamas terrorist, so that this evil is erased from human history. If America pressures Israel into a ceasefire, Israel’s enemies will be emboldened and Israel imperiled, long into the future.

As we read in this week’s Torah portion, “And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth has become full of HAMAS (violence), and behold I am about to destroy them from the earth.” (Genesis 6:13)

Hamas’ atrocities against Israel, America’s greatest ally, were also an undisguised attack on America.

We trust Israel to do everything possible to minimize civilian casualties. At the same time, Israel must do everything necessary to completely uproot and destroy Hamas. Israel cannot allow Hamas to survive and commit these atrocities again. If Hamas is not eliminated, Israel will be.

As Israel’s greatest ally, America must demonstrate UNLIMITED and UNQUALIFIED support for Israel in its righteous battle against Hamas.


(Your name here)Faith leaders can sign at the NFAB website.

Israel365 is proud to collaborate on this letter with the National Faith Advisory Board in standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with Israel and deeply appreciates the staunch leadership of NFAB President Paula White.  We are deeply grateful to the Pastors, Reverends, Bishops and Rabbis who signed the letter in recognition of our shared values and love for Israel:

The NFAB letter reads:

Dear President Biden,

American and Israeli Jewish and Christian faith leaders thank you for visiting Israel in her darkest hour. You have shown solidarity with the Jewish people and we are grateful for your words. 

Mr. President, we need you to take stronger action on behalf of Israel. 

Please do not pressure Israel into a premature ceasefire. Israel must take all the time that is necessary to defeat Hamas, the most brutal and evil terrorist regime of our time. It is not sufficient for Israel to degrade Hamas. If America pressures Israel now, then the Jewish People will never be able to live in peace within their own borders, or be safe anywhere in the world including the United States.

Hamas displayed to the entire world their pure wickedness in a sickening massacre of Jews, an undisguised attack on America, by striking against its greatest ally.

We trust our ally Israel to do everything possible to minimize civilian casualties. But if Hamas is not defeated, Israel will be no more. Israel cannot allow Hamas to survive and commit these atrocities again. Recognizing that wars have casualties and should be avoided at all cost, as Israel’s number one ally, America must demonstrate UNLIMITED, UNQUALIFIED support for Israel in its righteous battle against Hamas.


National Faith Advisory Board Members

(Your name here)

Prominent leaders have already signed the letter:

Ambassador David Friedman

Rabbi Kenneth Auman, Brooklyn NY

Pastor Gene Bailey, Flashpoint

Michele Bachmann, Dean, RSG, Regent University

Bishop Jerry L Bowers, Founder, Book of Acts Global Church

Pastor Billye Brim, Billye Brim Ministries

Pastor Mario Bramnick, Latino Coalition for Israel

Dr. Juergen Buehler, President of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center

Rabbi Michael Davies, Congregation Sons of Israel, Cherry Hill, NJ

Pastor Dave Donaldson, City Serve

Rabbi Pini Dunner, Beverly Hills Synagogue, CA

Rev. Peter Fast, International CEO of Bridges for Peace

Rabbi Yaakov Fisch, Congregation Etz Chaim, Jacksonville, FL

Rabbi Dov Fischer, Vice President, Coalition for Jewish Values

Pastor Jim and Rosemary Schindler Garlow, Well Versed Ministries

Rabbi Avi Goldstein, Beth Jacob Congregation, Columbus, Ohio

Rabbi Ezra Goldschmiedt, Congregation Sha’arei Torah, Cincinnati, Ohio

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Chairman, Coalition for Jewish Values Rabbinic Circle

Pastor Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church

Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag, Chairman, Coalition for Jewish Values International

Pastors Mac & Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center

Dr. O.S. Hawkins, author

Rabbi Marvin Hier, President & CEO, Simon Wiesenthal Center

Pastor Larry and Tiz Huch, Larry Huch Ministries

Pastor Donna Jollay, Hope Health & Healing

Pastor Becky Keenan, Founder & President, One With Israel

Rabbi Eliezer Langer, Congregation Schomre Israel, Poughkeepsie, New York

Pastor Greg Laurie, Harvest

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, President Emeritus, Coalition for Jewish Values

Rabbi Daniel Loew, Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva

Rabbi David Katz, Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Managing Director, Coalition for Jewish Values

Rabbi Elie Mischel, Israel365

Rev. Johnnie Moore, President, The Congress of Christian Leaders

Calev Myers, Voice for Freedom Coalition

Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes, Southern Regional Vice President, Coalition for Jewish Values

Pastors George & Terri Pearsons, Eagle Mountain International Church

Pastor Ray Peters, Kersey Community Church, Colorado

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Israel Vice President, Coalition for Jewish Values

Josh Reinstein, President of the Israel Allies Foundation

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Joel C. Rosenberg, editor-in-chief of All Israel News

Julie Sironi, Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice

Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, President, Coalition for Jewish Values

Bishop Robert Stearns, Eagles Wings

Rabbi Ze’ev Smason, Midwestern Regional Vice President, Coalition for Jewish Values

Pastor David Swaggerty, Charisma Life Ministries

Rabbi Reuven Tradburks, Director, Rabbinical Council of America, Israel Region

Pastor Tommy Waller, Hayovel

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Founder, Israel365

Pastor Paula White, Founder, Paula White Ministries

Rabbi Dov Winston, Congregation Beth Sholom – Rochester, NY

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Author

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