Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, an Israeli mystic rabbi who has made many accurate predictions in the past, recently announced that Jews should not travel outside of Israel on Passover, a warning that carries a strong precedent.
The holiday of Passover is observed for seven days in Israel and eight days in all other places. It is the busiest time of year for Ben Gurion International Airport approximately 300,000 foreigners arrive while an estimated 350,000 Israelis leave in a reverse Exodus to spend the holiday abroad.
In his regular weekly sermon published on his website in Hebrew, Rabbi Ben Artzi warned Israelis not to leave the Holy Land on Passover.
“This particular Passover is a very special holiday for the Jews,” Rabbi Ben Artzi told Breaking Israel News. “More than ever before, this year the Jews are leaving Egypt. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is hugging and loves His children who celebrate Passover in the Land.”
The rabbi explained that the world is now entering an era similar to previous eras when Jews outside of Israel are in danger.
“These days are a time of danger for Jews outside of Israel,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “This situation is only going to get worse. Some Jews are beginning to realize this and are afraid. Many Jews are beginning to wake up to this and long to make aliyah (to immigrate to Israel, literally ‘to ascend’). Others are hiding from this and try to disguise themselves, act in ways that they believe will win favor with the haters of Israel. That will not help them and in the end, the hatred will find them.”
“Even though it is very clear what is happening, some tell themselves that it isn’t really happening, that there is no danger,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “This is nothing but ego.”
Rabbi Ben Artzi noted that antisemitism is being revealed in American politics in time for Passover when Jews remember a political movement in Egypt that became an attempt at genocide.

“Pharaoh was the aspect of the snake,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “People who speak against the Holy Land do so because they have learned to be politicians. This is them being sly, hiding their true intentions, like a snake. They are so quiet, so quiet. But suddenly, they will strike. All their actions now are intended to hide their true feelings – that they hate the Jews.”
Rabbi Ben Artzi explained that under no circumstances should Jews travel outside of Israel on Passover.
The rabbi’s Passover warning is well-founded. For the last several years, Israel’s security services have issued warnings and tightened security before the holiday. In 2002, Hamas carried out a bombing at the Park Hotel, Netanya during a seder service, killing 30 – some of whom were Holocaust survivors – and wounding 140.
“The Creator of the world requests that the Nation of Israel, the Jews who live in the Land of Israel don’t go to travel on Passover, not even to visit the gravesites of tzaddikim (holy men),” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “We have many tzaddikim who are buried in Israel as well as many holy people who are still among the living.”
“The graves of the forefathers [are in Hebron and they] are greater than all of the tzaddikim in the world. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who we refer to whenever we pray,” the rabbi wrote in his weekly sermon.

Rabbi Ben Artzi then explained that the holy people who died outside of Israel were actually inside the Land of Israel today.
“All of the righteous in the world, their Luz bone, their soul and their spirit, arrived through the ‘the incarnation of forgiveness,” Rabbi Ben Artzi wrote.
Rabbi Ben Artzi was referring to the Jewish tradition of the Luz bone as an indestructible bone at the base of the skull which is used as a seed to regrow the physical body for the resurrection of the dead in the Messianic era.
“The incarnation of forgiveness” is described in Midrash Rabbah (Parshat Tzav), a collection of homiletical teachings from the third century, which describes how the righteous who die outside of Israel are forgiven in death and tunnel their way to the land of Israel. It is understood by the sages to mean that when the time of the resurrection of the dead arrives, the righteous who were buried outside of Israel will be resurrected immediately in Israel. This explanation is based on a verse in Ezekiel.
Prophesy, therefore, and say to them: Thus said Hashem: I am going to open your graves and lift you out of the graves, O My people, and bring you to the land of Yisrael. Ezekiel 37:12
Rabbi Ben Artzi stated that the danger for Jews and non-Jews alike was even greater in Europe.
“All of Europe will become Muslim,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “They will throw the Jews out of their houses and the non-Jews will join in, helping to remove the Jews. The Jews will wander from house to house. The Jews will flee on foot from France and other places in Europe. They will leave their automobiles behind in their haste to arrive in Israel. It is a pity they should continue to wait. They should leave now.”
Several of Rabbi Ben Artzi’s past predictions have materialized, lending credence to his recent warning. In 2016, Russia announced it would be supplying Syria with the advanced S-300 anti-air missile system. This was a source of enormous concern and seemed to pose a danger to Israel’s ability to defend itself on its northern border. Rabbi Ben Artzi assured his followers that the “missiles would go crazy” and “blow themselves up.” A few months later, several videos surfaced showing precisely that.
Just before the last U.S. presidential election, Rabbi Ben Artzi predicted that there would be a rise of witchcraft and idolatry in the world. After Trump was elected, his detractors held several events attempting to hex the president.
The rabbi has also accurately predicted, earthquakes, plane crashes, the failure of North Korean missile tests, and a rare tsunami that struck Iran.
Source: Israel in the News