Photographs Depict Hezbollah Positions Adjacent to Schools

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon

Israel’s ambassador to the UN demanded the removal of Hezbollah terrorists from southern Lebanon, noting the growing number of missiles in their possession.

At a special United Nations Security Council meeting Tuesday on the situation in the Middle East, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon presented new intelligence about Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, including aerial photographs showing terrorist activity adjacent to schools.

“The village of Shaqra has been turned into a Hezbollah stronghold with one out of three buildings used for terror activities, including rocket launchers and arms depots,” Danon stated. “Hezbollah has placed these positions next to schools and other public institutions, putting innocent civilians in great danger.  We demand the removal of Hezbollah terrorists from southern Lebanon.”

During the meeting, meant to discuss the conditions in Lebanon 10 years after Resolution 1701 supposedly ended the war between Israel and Hezbollah, Danon presented statistics showing that the terror organization now has more missiles below ground in Lebanon than the European NATO allies have above ground.  When Resolution 1701 was adopted, Hezbollah was in possession of 7,000 rockets, and today they have over 120,000 missiles aimed at Israeli population centers, he said.

PA Incitement also on the Agenda

Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which was also on the agenda, Danon stressed the direct connection between the hateful words of incitement emanating from the Palestinian Authority and the murderous terror attacks over recent weeks in Israel.

Hallel Ariel was stabbed to death while sleeping in her own bed,” he said, referring to the brutal murder last week of an innocent 13-year-old by a Palestinian teen, who broke into the house and stabbed the child. The Palestinian leadership praised the horrific attack.

“This murderous act of the Palestinian terrorism was the direct result of years of hateful indoctrination in schools, on television, and now by social media,” Danon stated.

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel
(With files from the Israel Mission to the UN)

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Source: United with Israel