Palestinian Parents Turn in Teen Terrorist Wannabe to IDF

An IDF force arrested a 15-year-old Palestinian near Nablus on Monday after the teen’s parents notified security forces that they suspected he intended to carry out an attack with the aim of being killed in the process.

The parents’ suspicions were aroused when they found a will left by the boy along with his mobile phone. IDF units patrolling the area found the boy near the Nablus Regional Command. A search revealed that he was carrying a large knife.

A report published by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) earlier this year listed several instances in which lone-wolf attacks by Palestinians were motivated inter alia, by domestic problems.

The report, titled “Beyond the Knife: How Domestic Problems Can Lead to Terror”, said attacks in certain cases stemmed from “domestic violence within the household (with family members such as siblings, spouses, fiance, etc.); social criticism for an immoral act such as adultery, lack of respect for the family, matriculation failure and more; and serious psychological issues stemming from depression, despair, and mental illness.”

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Source: Israel in the News