Ahead of Jerusalem Day, celebrating the liberation of the Old City in 1967, Palestinian leaders are inciting violence at the Temple Mount.
Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim, in Hebrew – marking the 49th anniversary of the reunification of the Israeli capital, falls this Sunday, and Palestinian organizations are planning to flood Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount with Arab visitors in protest. Arutz-7 reported.
Jamal Amr, an “investigator of Jerusalem affairs,” spoke to the Hamas paper Palestine on Thursday about the preparations, saying that demonstrators from all over “Palestine” – meaning the Land of Israel – will be taking part in the protest, disrupting the celebrations in the Holy City.
Palestinian Media Watch revealed that Amr, a professor of urban planning at Birzeit University, was featured recently on official Palestinian Authority TV. Introduced as an “expert” on Jerusalem, he declared that the Holy Temple “could never have existed in history. It is a mere legend and a great lie.”
He said that he expects there will be clashes between Muslims and Jews Sunday evening, when the Muslims recite their prayers at the start of Ramadam and Israelis will be participating in the festive Jerusalem flag parade. There was no call to refrain from violence.
On Wednesday, ahead of Jerusalem Day as well as in response to a recent United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) resolution that ignored the deep Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel’s historic, unbreakable ties to the sites do not require justification or apology.
By: United with Israel Staff
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Source: United with Israel