Palestinian Driver Rams Car Into IDF Soldier in Gush Etzion

An IDF soldier was moderately wounded Monday when a Palestinian driver rammed his car into a makeshift checkpoint in eastern Gush Etzion.

The 20-year-old soldier was treated at the scene for wounds to his arms and legs and evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

The assailant was killed after exiting the car holding a knife, apparently with the intention of stabbing a soldier.

Magen David Adom paramedic Zaki Yahav said “When we arrived at the scene we saw a 20 year old man fully conscious but suffering from wounds in his legs and arms after being hit by a car. With assistance from IDF medical teams that were on site we administered first aid and put him in an intensive care ambulance and evacuated him to hospital. He is listed in moderate condition and stable.”

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Source: Israel in the News