PA security forces rescue Israeli family from Nablus, Jewish tourists from Hebron

PA security forces rescue Israeli family from Nablus, Jewish tourists from Hebron

Palestinian police extracted three Jewish tourists from Hebron on Wednesday, after their vehicle was stopped and surrounded by a mob, according to Israeli media reports.

The tourists, whose identity has not yet been made public, entered the city by accident, according to Channel 12.

On Tuesday, Palestinian security forces extracted an Israeli and three of her children, residents of Elad, from Nablus after they were surrounded by dozens of local residents, according to Kan News.

According to initial investigations, the woman entered Nablus, known in Israel as Shechem, accompanied by a Palestinian she knew, apparently from the Qalqilya region.

When they reached Nablus’s Kasbah area, they were pulled out of their vehicle by armed Palestinians, according to Kan. Palestinian security forces arrived on the scene and extracted them, according to the report. The Palestinian who had accompanied her was shot in the leg during the incident, according to Kan.

An Israeli security source was cited by Kan as stating that “without the P.A. security forces, this incident could have ended in tragedy.”

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