Obama Appoints Controversial Adviser with Apparent Sympathies for Terrorists to Assist with War on ISIS

Robert Malley

Obama has vowed to defeat ISIS, but his choice of Robert Malley as his adviser raises eyebrows. Malley is known for misreading events in the Middle East and has offered bad advice and faulty assessments on nearly every occasion.

President Barack Obama has appointed a new adviser to assist him on formulating US policies in the war on the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization. However, the adviser, Robert Malley, had been sacked by Obama in 2008 for having met with another terror organization, the Palestinian Hamas group.

“The President recently elevated Rob Malley, the NSC [National Security Council] Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, to serve now as the Senior Advisor to the President for the Counter-ISIL Campaign in Iraq and Syria,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during the briefing at a Paris hotel during the recent climate summit.

A onetime member of President Bill Clinton’s Middle East team, Malley returned to the White House last year to head the Middle East desk at the National Security Council (NSC).

The New York Post reports that Malley has a long history of supporting and siding with terror and tyrannical elements while condemning Israel, and his tenure at the NSC has been an essential failure.

Robert Malley. (Screenshot)

Robert Malley. (Screenshot)

He has previously been under fire by pro-Israel elements when he wrote a widely criticized article saying Palestinians were getting too much blame for the collapse of Clinton’s late-term attempts to negotiate a final peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. This, despite Clinton’s statement to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat: “I am a failure — and you made me one.”

Over the years he has published a number of newspaper opinion pieces urging the US to reach out and negotiate with terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and Muqtada al-Sadr in Iraq.

In 2007, Malley wrote that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad was eager to reach a peace deal with Israel that would enable him to sever all ties with terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

In a piece he wrote for the Foreign Policy magazine in 2012, he charged that Obama essentially had caved in to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “15-year obsession” and “exaggeration” of Iran’s nuclear threat.

National Security Adviser Susan Rice boasted last year following Malley’s promotion that “since February 2014, Rob has played a critical role in forming our policy on Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf.” Since then, the Middle East has collapsed into mayhem, warfare and terrorism, a nuclear arms race in the advent of ISIS.

“How can Americans possibly confide in Malley to help dismantle what is arguably the world’s deadliest and most brazen terrorist group? With a history of dissing Israel, snuggling up to Hamas, shielding Assad, and promoting the containment of a nuclear-armed Iran, is it any surprise that Malley is Obama’s choice to spearhead the US response to ISIS?” judicialwatch.org asks.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel