New Summer Camp Helps Unite Israeli Kids Impacted by War
A new summer camp was formed to help Israeli children who have suffered for nearly a year of war. 120 girls from Sderot, Bnei Dekalim, and Beit Shemesh make up the inaugural cohort of “Camp Kesher V’Kef” held in the town of Bnei Dekalim. Camp director Abby Weisz explained, “The only way we will win this war is through achdut – unity, and Camp Kesher V’Kef was designed to strengthen achdut between girls at a young and impressionable age who have all been impacted by this difficult war.”
While the summer camp includes ordinary activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, baking, sports, drama, and dance, the importance of unity has permeated all aspects of Camp Kesher V’Kef.
Campers were assigned to six bunks named Emunah (faith), Ahava (love), Gevurah (strength), Geulah (redemption), Shalom (peace), and Tikvah (hope) – six essential elements for Israeli unity, according to Weisz. “It was wonderful to see that after just a few days, all 120 campers who previously didn’t know each other came together cheering, singing, and creating lifelong memories, united as one.”
“The idea for Camp Kesher V’Kef was born from a deep understanding of the challenges that Israeli children have faced since October 7th,” said camp organizer Ariella Lustiger. “The deep need to heal as a nation and to do so as one, together, was clear.”
“Our mission is to bring together Israeli kids from south and central Israel in a unique, innovative and exciting camping experience that many of us from the United States grew up with,” continued Lustiger, originally from Teaneck. “Through building meaningful relationships between Israeli children of all backgrounds in a fun environment, we hope to sow the seeds of healing that we must undergo together.”
A group of volunteer moms from Bet Shemesh, including Lustiger, Weisz, Miriam Rybak, Meredith Ickowitz, Tzivia Kramer, and Yehudit Schindel, organized Camp Kesher V’Kef over the last three months between their day jobs and taking care of their own families. “As Olim, we understand that to integrate our children into Israeli society, we need to immerse them and introduce them to kids from other places around the country,” said Weisz. “The war has really crystalized our mission as one Jewish people: we need to foster greater unity. Bringing campers from varied backgrounds together to form a new cohesive unit is how, with God’s help, we can and will heal.”
A project of Israel365, funding for Camp Kesher V’Kef was provided largely by American summer camps, including Camp Morasha, Camp Lavi, and Camp Moshava. “We are grateful to our American camping partners,” said Weisz. “They understand how important summer camp is for kids in normal times and generously provided a healing experience for Israeli kids in wartime. I can’t think of a better example of the Jewish people coming together in unity.”
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